How to find how much RAM is installed on your computer

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

Find how much RAM is installed and available in Windows

Are you worried about how to check How much RAM is installed in your windows computer? If so, you are in the right place. we will show you the varieties of the method to check the RAM. Before checking to the RAM installed let’s understand the RAM First.

What is RAM?

RAM represents Random Access Memory. It’s a sort of PC memory that can be accessed randomly. It stores different sorts of data about running projects in your PC. Nonetheless, RAM can just stores the information as long as the PC is on, so if the PC closes down, it will lose the recently put away information. 

There are two principal types of RAM are available in the market: DRAM  and SRAM. DRAM Stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory and SRAM Static Random Access Memory. As a rule, the more RAM your PC is, the quicker it can run. In the event that your PC is running delayed to a creep, one of the fundamental drivers can be the little RAM limit that impacts the framework execution.

Find Your RAM in Windows 8,10

To check how much RAM is installed and available on your computer, follow the steps below.

1. Type RAM in the search menu.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

2. You will find View RAM info in the search result. Click this option you will find RAM info there.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

How much RAM can my computer have?

The total amount of RAM, that a computer can have is dependent on the motherboard installed in the computer and the operating system. In general, most motherboards will support either two or four memory modules, but the type of memory can differ widely from one motherboard to the next.

Find your RAM  in Windows Vista and 7

1. Type RAM in the search menu. You can find “Show How much RAM on this computer” Click that option.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

2. By clicking that System properties will open where you can find How much RAM is installed in your computer. here in this picture, my PC has installed 3 GB RAM.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

How to find out if you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows

To check which type of operating system is installed and available on your computer, follow the steps below.

1. Type RAM in the search menu.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

2. After Clicking this option you will find Which type of Operating system is installed on your computer. My Laptop has a 64- bit operating system, x64-based processor.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

How to See which application is using, How much RAM 

To find the amount of available RAM, including memory, as well as what is currently being utilized. Follow the following steps.
1. open the Task Manager by right-clicking on the taskbar.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer

2. On the Processes tab, you can find which programs are running and how much memory is using by them. On the Performance tab, you can see an overall of all Graphical representation the system resources. You can see how much memory is available.

How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer